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July 19, 2018

joyful downtown d.c. engagement session || elice + olumide


elice + olumide are two of those people who you want to become best friends with the instant you meet them. though we often meet our clients before our first photo session with them, i didn’t know neither elice nor olumide, so i had no idea who i was looking for when we were set to meet at the beginning of their engagement session.

i remember looking around the portrait gallery and seeing an incredibly handsome couple approaching me with a change of clothes in hand, and i thought, “whoa.” they’re effortlessly stylish and have a certain glow about them. they picked the best locations that made for neutral backdrops and kept us warm from the chilly, spring wind!

as a washington, d.c. wedding photographer, it’s so fun to get to explore parts of the city with my clients during engagement sessions and during portrait time on wedding days. we spent the first part of the afternoon wandering the smithsonian national portrait gallery (and trying to not catch every saturday family outing in the background!), and it was just so very pleasant. we then head over to the lincoln memorial just before sunset to take advantage of the pretty dusk light.

these two have such an incredible love story and lead really beautiful lives. olimude is from england (and has the accent to boot!), and both of them work for NGOs in international development, which warms my humanitarian heart. they both have lived and worked abroad extensively and chose to wed in elice’s favorite place on earth, cape town!

i’m not sure if i have ever laughed more during a photo session. these two kept each other smiling continuously (and i mean continuously!) throughout the afternoon, and i absolutely loved capturing their joy.

thank you for allowing me to capture a tiny bit of your love story, you guys! sending you all the love in the world.

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